Senin, 30 Oktober 2017


  Who likes foods whose main ingredients are identical to noodles? surely some of us love it including me, for me food that the main ingredients of noodles is never boring tongue, I feel like to eat and eat, if your taste is same with me? haha hopefully not too the same.

The good taste of course relates to the subjectivity of the taste bud. Relation to culinary, especially chicken noodles, it is very democratic when compared to elections though, more and more who stopped at the Noodle Shop chicken, it can be culinary tasty and delicious

Chicken noodles are arguably simple food that is easy to find and various places. Whether it's sold in carts or even sold in big restaurants. The types are also various. Starting from the style of Java with thick gravy stew and added meatballs or yam version that looks dry and still with a sprinkling of chicken but there is also a fusion where with culinary development such as using rica-rica, rendering or sauce. The use of chicken is maintained but the style of cooking is different.

chicken noodles that I want to review this is chicken noodles located in pontianak precisely in the way of imam bonjol, for me chicken noodle here it is very addictive, it wants to add and nambah it, it tastes good, so thick and delicious sauce, also enough portions many and the price is also quite cheap only ranges twelve thousand and fifteen thousand if using extra meat.

nah .. if you are interested in the review that I described above then please you try chicken noodles that I discuss .. for you lovers of chicken noodles then you will not feel loss if trying to taste the chicken noodles, let eat before eating it is forbidden hahaha .. sorry it's just a joke, the truth is eat while still healthy.

Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017



Mangrove is a type of dikotil plants that live in the cultivated habitat dikotil plants are plants fruit is split in two pieces. Mangrove forest is a tropical beach vegetation community dominated by several types of mangrove forests that are able to grow and develop in the tidal areas of muddy beaches.

Mangrove or mangal forests are common designations used to describe a variety of tropical beach communities dominated by several species of distinctive plants or shrubs that have the ability to grow in saltwater.

Benefits or Function of Mangrove
  The mangrove forest ecosystem provides many benefits both indirectly and directly to human life. Some of the indirect benefits of human consumption include:
1. Growing the island and stabilizing the beach
2. Purify water, mud retention and sediment traps
3. Wave and storm surge
4. Start the food chain
5. Protect and nourish
6. Supplier of fish, shrimp, and other marine biota.
7. As a place of tourism
8. Benefit for humans

Some of the uses of mangrove forests that can be found in moorings, medicinal materials, preservatives, feed and food, fuel, paper and building materials.

Mangrove adalah jenis tanaman dikotil yang hidup di habitat budidaya tanaman dikotil adalah tanaman buah yang terbelah dua buah. Hutan mangrove adalah komunitas vegetasi pantai tropis yang didominasi oleh beberapa jenis hutan mangrove yang mampu tumbuh dan berkembang di daerah pasang surut pantai berlumpur.

Hutan mangrove atau mangal merupakan sebutan umum yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan beragam komunitas pantai tropis yang didominasi oleh beberapa spesies tanaman atau semak khas yang memiliki kemampuan untuk tumbuh di air asin.

Manfaat atau Fungsi Mangrove
Ekosistem hutan mangrove memberikan banyak manfaat baik secara tidak langsung maupun langsung terhadap kehidupan manusia. Beberapa manfaat tidak langsung dari konsumsi manusia meliputi:
1. Menumbuhkan pulau dan menstabilkan pantai
2. Memurnikan air, retensi lumpur dan perangkap sedimen
Gelombang dan gelombang badai
4. Mulai rantai makanan
5. Melindungi dan memberi nutrisi
6. Pemasok ikan, udang, dan biota laut lainnya.
7. Sebagai tempat wisata
8. Manfaat bagi manusia

Beberapa pemanfaatan hutan bakau yang bisa ditemukan di tambat, bahan obat, bahan pengawet, pakan dan makanan, bahan bakar, kertas dan bahan bangunan.

Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017


  In life, we will not be able to stay and not change, in the sense of change for the better. We have to have a dare, be determined to reach something that can be useful for ourselves, our family and our closest people.

   As one who attended school, when elementary school he had a desire to enter junior high school, after attending junior high school and graduate, he would have the resignation to enter high school or vocational school, and after that not infrequently the students who have graduated is wanting to have the resolve to continue his education to college, as well as public or private universities, depending on the intentions of each - each student.

   Those who continue their education to the college must be because they have certain desires and desires, for example me, I am one of the students from the university tanjungpura pontianak or the abbreviated UNTAN, in till I go to the engineering faculty that is in engineering engineering program. If people ask why you choose engineering engineering program? then I will answer, of course, I have a dye in the field of machinery so that I choose the mechanical engineering program as my continuing majors in college. One of my dares is that I want to be able to make cars, and similar things that are still categorized as machines. Not only is it a resident in my life, I also have a great resolve to have my own business, such as workshops, clothing stores, mini markets and also oil palm. why do i want to own my own business? the answer is because I also do not want to depend on the contract of work of one company.

   In this life there is nothing wrong if we have many dreams because one of the passion for success it is a dream that we really want to have it. we are free to dream a lot of dream origin does not disturb the peace of the soul.

   I not only have dreams in the work and the effort that I want to reach, but I also have the heart to please my mother and father one of them I want to raise my parents' hajj and bring them to participate in my success.

  Not only that, as a normal-footed man I also want to marry later, I want to have a good wife and I also want to be a good man so that it can become a family shakinah, mawahdah and Warohmah. my duty is I want to happy wife and my children after having family in marriage later.


1) YOHANES FRENGKY (A) 2) DARWIN (B) SETTING: The park is written SITUATION: John accidentally met Darwin in the park sitting alone and...