SETTING: The park is written
SITUATION: John accidentally met Darwin in the park sitting alone and yohanes approached and they talked.
A: hallo Darwin
B: hay .. why are you here?
A: I'm just walking the road aja, if you why here?
B: I'm also walking the streets, bored at home
A: oh .. so, than we here better we eat fried rice in yusra stall
B: may ... but where is it?
A: You follow me aja .. surely you will like
B: All right then, gladly
After arriving at the stall.
B: why do we eat here, where are many others?
A: Here the fried rice is good, the price is cheap and the place is clean again
B: oh so we want to eat rice ni goring?
A: yes eating fried rice .. do you like it or not fried rice?
B: yes of course I like it, it's my favorite food
A: therefore I invite you to eat here
B: Okay then we ordered two servings
A: oh yes win, by the way what your ambition after college
B: I want to be a mechanic engine as well as an entrepreneur, that's my true ideal
A: oh nice that, guess about want to build business with whom? must be complicated if you want to build your own business ..
B: Yes I definitely need a friend to build my business, I will build a business with some of my friends, friends that I believe from small
A: well wah tu win, good luck yes and quick bias happy mom and dad mu
B: okay thanks for the do'anya ..
A: it's the same ..
B: oh yes I really want to walk in this village, but I do not know which village is good to visit
A: if you want, I know a nice village to visit, the name of the village is lying, I went there once and the village is beautiful
B: oh really
A: That's right
B: oh means I can go there, all you want to vacation later
A: It's okay, you'll send the exact address for you
B: okay thank you very much
A: it is the same
B: oh yes ni, I want Tanya, you go to the mechanical engineering majors inspired from where? Actually majors many more
A: when I was in high school I used to play in my friend's workshop, I often help too, long time I so like the same thing related to the machine, so I entered the mechanical engineering
B: oh so .. good, it means you can already basic machine base ya
A: not really, on campus I will learn more
B: very good
A: why do you go to mechanical engineering department too?
B: I also because I also like what is related to the machine, what's more now the job vacancy for engineering machine is wide enough
A: yes I also tu, often I see big companies looking for workers from mechanical engineering graduate
B: yes it's him, hopefully later after college we can directly work bias
A: amin .. hopefully
B: yes .. hopefully
A: oh yes win, yesterday I see on your instagram there is a photo of you and your friends again in the waterfall
B: yes there is .. a lot of I photo photos there with my friends
A: where is it?
B: its place in the village of essay, western part of Kalimantan as well
A: I think I'll go there, I never go to a waterfall
B: oh maybe, the place is nice, cool and clean
A: You will send the exact address to me, can you?
B: All right, happy
A: thank you so much Darwin
B: same same ..
A: Okay .. win I think we've been here long enough, we better go home, the day already started the afternoon too
B: yes I also feel old we sit here, let's go home.
A: we can meet again later
B: yes of course, I also want to eat again here later
A: I thought you would like to eat here
B: yes, of course, the fried rice is really good
A: therefore I also like to eat here
Rabu, 06 Desember 2017
Selasa, 05 Desember 2017
1) What was the title of the book/the article?
2) Who was the author of the book/the article?
3) Why do you choose that chapter/the article?
4) What was it about?
5) What do you think about the book chapter/the article?
6) What is the most interesting part(s) of the chapter/the article?
1) Deepening students understanding of the qur'anic text
3) I chose this article because this article educates people especially students to Deepen and understand the text of qur'an, this article is very good read by students who are Islamic.
4) The contents of this article tells about inviting students to understand the contents of qur'an, in paragraphs that are in this article is very good, his article gives the spirit of the soul to deepen qur'an which is believed to be a guide for life for Muslims, in his article read if qur'an only read but do not know what the meaning of that read then read will not be a guide because that read do not know what read, hence from strengthen understanding about meaning of qur'an is way to raise the morality of student.
5) I think this article is very good because it aims about the importance of deepening and understanding the contents of the Qur'an, this article is very good if read by students, especially Muslim students
6) I like paragraph 5 in this article because it explains about the importance of understanding the contents of qur'an as a guide for Muslim life
2) Who was the author of the book/the article?
3) Why do you choose that chapter/the article?
4) What was it about?
5) What do you think about the book chapter/the article?
6) What is the most interesting part(s) of the chapter/the article?
1) Deepening students understanding of the qur'anic text
3) I chose this article because this article educates people especially students to Deepen and understand the text of qur'an, this article is very good read by students who are Islamic.
4) The contents of this article tells about inviting students to understand the contents of qur'an, in paragraphs that are in this article is very good, his article gives the spirit of the soul to deepen qur'an which is believed to be a guide for life for Muslims, in his article read if qur'an only read but do not know what the meaning of that read then read will not be a guide because that read do not know what read, hence from strengthen understanding about meaning of qur'an is way to raise the morality of student.
5) I think this article is very good because it aims about the importance of deepening and understanding the contents of the Qur'an, this article is very good if read by students, especially Muslim students
6) I like paragraph 5 in this article because it explains about the importance of understanding the contents of qur'an as a guide for Muslim life
Minggu, 26 November 2017
Hallo .. assalamualaikum..
i will share my experience about the holiday, here I only share my experience about my vacation in my area alone or local holidays, even though only in the area itself but I think the fun is quite fun because I am holiday with my companions hence i feel happy hehe.
Above is the place I visited with a waterfall essay that is in the area of the bridge, water forest is high enough to be very beautiful to see the eye, many activities that we do there.
Before we cross the waterfall our eyes are spoiled by the scenery around the journey, the amount of forest that is still green and cool adds to the beauty of our journey, the way down the hill is quite fun but also horrible because it is quite dangerous.
The activities we do there are many, one of them Photographing the beauty of the scenic beauty of the trip and sing along in the car is also a fun activity on the way so do not feel tired.
The water is very cool and refreshing and very clean, where we feel very happy to shower with the smallest friends first.
Once satisfied bathing in that place we do not want to go home, we had time to find food or local culinary, after swimming after swimming certainly hunger will not feel haha, then from that we immediately seek food.
after we are satisfied of going home is our last goal haha, we went home with a sense of satisfaction with not spending a lot of money haha.
for those of you who have not enough money for a vacation out of town then look for the nearest place without wasting a lot of money, bring your friends to make the holiday fun even just a holiday in his own area hehe.
Sultanate Mempawah began to be known after the arrival of the entourage Opu Daeng Menambun from the kingdom of Matan, Tanjung Pura, to Sebukit Rama, Mempawah Amantubillah Palace Location which is now, around the year 1737 M. Existence is increasingly calculated in the international arena after Opu Daeng Menambun with the title of Prince Mas Surya Negara the throne replaced Sultan Senggauk in 1740 AD Especially during his reign, Habib Husein Alkadri, a former religious judge in the kingdom of Matan, moved to Mempawah Sultanate. So, people then flocked to come to Mempawah not only to make trade contacts or political contracts, but also to learn and explore the Islamic religion.
Amantubillah Palace was built during the reign of Gusti Jamiril titled Panembahan Adi wijaya Kesuma (1761-1787), sultan to the 3 Mempawah Sultanate. In 1880 AD, Amantubillah palace suffered a fire when governed by Gusti Ibrahim holding Panembahan Ibrahim Mohammad Syafuddin (1864-1892), the sultan of the 9th sultanate. The renovation of the Amantubillah Palace building was then done until the Amantubillah Palace was able to stand again on 2 November 1922 when ruled by Gusti Muhammad Taufi Accamaddin (1902-1943), the sultan of the 11th sultanate.
The Amantubillah Palace complex is divided into three parts, namely the main building, the right wing building, and the left wing. In ancient times, the main building was the seat of the king's throne, the empress, and the residence of the kinsmen. The right wing building is the place to prepare the necessities and the place for the palace family banquet. While the left wing is a hall and a place to take care of the administration of the royal government. At present, the main building serves as the Mempawah Kingdom museum. In this place is stored various relics of the Kingdom of Mempawah, the king's throne, the photos of the king and his family, keris, fashion majesty, and royal umbrella, and others. Right wing building serves as a palace pendopo, while the left wing as a residence of the relatives of the Kingdom of Mempawah.
Kesultanan Mempawah mulai dikenal pasca kedatangan rombongan Opu Daeng Menambun dari kerajaan Matan, Tanjung pura, ke Sebukit Rama, Mempawah Lokasi Istana Amantubillah yang sekarang, sekitar tahun 1737 M. Eksistensinya kian diperhitungkan di kancah internasional setelah Opu Daeng Menambun dengan gelar pangeran Mas Surya Negara naik tahta menggantikan Sultan Senggauk pada tahun 1740 M. Apalagi pada masa pemerintahannya, Habib Husein Alkadri, mantan hakim agama di kerajaan Matan, pindah ke kesultanan Mempawah. Maka, orang pun kemudian berbondong-bondong datang ke mempawah tidak hanyak untuk melakukan kontak dagang atau kontrak politik, tapi juga untuk mempelajari dan mendalami agama islam.
Kesultanan Mempawah mulai dikenal pasca kedatangan rombongan Opu Daeng Menambun dari kerajaan Matan, Tanjung pura, ke Sebukit Rama, Mempawah Lokasi Istana Amantubillah yang sekarang, sekitar tahun 1737 M. Eksistensinya kian diperhitungkan di kancah internasional setelah Opu Daeng Menambun dengan gelar pangeran Mas Surya Negara naik tahta menggantikan Sultan Senggauk pada tahun 1740 M. Apalagi pada masa pemerintahannya, Habib Husein Alkadri, mantan hakim agama di kerajaan Matan, pindah ke kesultanan Mempawah. Maka, orang pun kemudian berbondong-bondong datang ke mempawah tidak hanyak untuk melakukan kontak dagang atau kontrak politik, tapi juga untuk mempelajari dan mendalami agama islam.
Kompleks Istana Amantubillah terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu bangunan utama, bangunan sayap kanan, dan sayap kiri. Pada zaman dahulu, bangunan utama merupakan tempat singgasana raja, permaisuri, dan tempat tinggal sanak keluarga raja. Bangunan sayap kanan merupakan tempat mempersiapkan keperluan dan tempat untuk jamuan makan keluarga istana. Sedangkan bangunan sayap kiri merupakan aula dan tempat untuk mengurus administrasi pemerintahan kerajaan. Pada masa sekarang, bangunan utama berfungsi sebagai museum Kerajaan Mempawah. Di tempat ini tersimpan berbagai peninggalan Kerajaan Mempawah, yaitu singgasana raja, foto-foto raja beserta keluarganya, keris, busana kebesaran, dan payung kerajaan, dan lain-lain. Bangunan sayap kanan berfungsi sebagai pendopo istana, sedangkan bangunan sayap kiri sebagai tempat tinggal para kerabat Kerajaan Mempawah.
Jumat, 10 November 2017
hallo all .. how are you? hopefully healthy news yes .. in this life is the most necessary is the health of course that we can move well, one of them learn, vacation to joke joke .. it is very fun, especially if done with friends who always make us happy. well do you all have friends? hopefully there is ya haha.
well here i want to tell about my friendship, if you are curious please read and if you are not curious please make yourself so curious haha
How did we meet?
we met when we happened to go to school at the same school during high school, and that's where we start to know each other until we all feel fit if we meet, and then we also get the same class then that strengthens our friendship.
Why can we be best friends?
we can be friends because we have many matches, ranging from appetite, hobby to the nature of women we like haha. besides that we also each have a high caring attitude towards friends, when friends difficult or happy then we become friends who always compact until now.
What do I like about my best friend?
in friendship of course we have something we really like from our friends and it certainly is not just one, like me. I have a lot of things that I love from my friend one of them the humorous nature of my best friend's friend always invite laughter, small laughter, laughter being up to a big laugh haha. and not only that, the thing I like best is the high sense of care my friends have with their friends and others.
What do I not like about my best friend?
in any friendship of course there are things you do not like from your friends, one of them I. although we are very close but the dislikes are still there. the things I do not like about my best friend is to make fun of the jokes that sometimes make embarrassment, and the jokes usually come when there are friends who are in love with a woman haha
hope about my friendship.
in a friendship must have hope for the next, one of them would not want the friendship separated and of course I also expect like that. I also hope someday none of our friends who live hard, I want my best friend without exception will be successful, in the world and in the hereafter. we once wished to get the hajj of our parents and I really wanted that hope to be achieved,
Senin, 30 Oktober 2017
Who likes foods whose main ingredients are identical to noodles? surely some of us love it including me, for me food that the main ingredients of noodles is never boring tongue, I feel like to eat and eat, if your taste is same with me? haha hopefully not too the same.
The good taste of course relates to the subjectivity of the taste bud. Relation to culinary, especially chicken noodles, it is very democratic when compared to elections though, more and more who stopped at the Noodle Shop chicken, it can be culinary tasty and delicious
Chicken noodles are arguably simple food that is easy to find and various places. Whether it's sold in carts or even sold in big restaurants. The types are also various. Starting from the style of Java with thick gravy stew and added meatballs or yam version that looks dry and still with a sprinkling of chicken but there is also a fusion where with culinary development such as using rica-rica, rendering or sauce. The use of chicken is maintained but the style of cooking is different.
chicken noodles that I want to review this is chicken noodles located in pontianak precisely in the way of imam bonjol, for me chicken noodle here it is very addictive, it wants to add and nambah it, it tastes good, so thick and delicious sauce, also enough portions many and the price is also quite cheap only ranges twelve thousand and fifteen thousand if using extra meat.
nah .. if you are interested in the review that I described above then please you try chicken noodles that I discuss .. for you lovers of chicken noodles then you will not feel loss if trying to taste the chicken noodles, let eat before eating it is forbidden hahaha .. sorry it's just a joke, the truth is eat while still healthy.
Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017
Mangrove is a type of dikotil plants that live in the cultivated habitat dikotil plants are plants fruit is split in two pieces. Mangrove forest is a tropical beach vegetation community dominated by several types of mangrove forests that are able to grow and develop in the tidal areas of muddy beaches.
Mangrove or mangal forests are common designations used to describe a variety of tropical beach communities dominated by several species of distinctive plants or shrubs that have the ability to grow in saltwater.
Benefits or Function of Mangrove
The mangrove forest ecosystem provides many benefits both indirectly and directly to human life. Some of the indirect benefits of human consumption include:
1. Growing the island and stabilizing the beach
2. Purify water, mud retention and sediment traps
3. Wave and storm surge
4. Start the food chain
5. Protect and nourish
6. Supplier of fish, shrimp, and other marine biota.
7. As a place of tourism
8. Benefit for humans
Some of the uses of mangrove forests that can be found in moorings, medicinal materials, preservatives, feed and food, fuel, paper and building materials.
Mangrove adalah jenis tanaman dikotil yang hidup di habitat budidaya tanaman dikotil adalah tanaman buah yang terbelah dua buah. Hutan mangrove adalah komunitas vegetasi pantai tropis yang didominasi oleh beberapa jenis hutan mangrove yang mampu tumbuh dan berkembang di daerah pasang surut pantai berlumpur.
Hutan mangrove atau mangal merupakan sebutan umum yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan beragam komunitas pantai tropis yang didominasi oleh beberapa spesies tanaman atau semak khas yang memiliki kemampuan untuk tumbuh di air asin.
Manfaat atau Fungsi Mangrove
Ekosistem hutan mangrove memberikan banyak manfaat baik secara tidak langsung maupun langsung terhadap kehidupan manusia. Beberapa manfaat tidak langsung dari konsumsi manusia meliputi:
1. Menumbuhkan pulau dan menstabilkan pantai
2. Memurnikan air, retensi lumpur dan perangkap sedimen
Gelombang dan gelombang badai
4. Mulai rantai makanan
5. Melindungi dan memberi nutrisi
6. Pemasok ikan, udang, dan biota laut lainnya.
7. Sebagai tempat wisata
8. Manfaat bagi manusia
Beberapa pemanfaatan hutan bakau yang bisa ditemukan di tambat, bahan obat, bahan pengawet, pakan dan makanan, bahan bakar, kertas dan bahan bangunan.
Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017
As one who attended school, when elementary school he had a desire to enter junior high school, after attending junior high school and graduate, he would have the resignation to enter high school or vocational school, and after that not infrequently the students who have graduated is wanting to have the resolve to continue his education to college, as well as public or private universities, depending on the intentions of each - each student.
Those who continue their education to the college must be because they have certain desires and desires, for example me, I am one of the students from the university tanjungpura pontianak or the abbreviated UNTAN, in till I go to the engineering faculty that is in engineering engineering program. If people ask why you choose engineering engineering program? then I will answer, of course, I have a dye in the field of machinery so that I choose the mechanical engineering program as my continuing majors in college. One of my dares is that I want to be able to make cars, and similar things that are still categorized as machines. Not only is it a resident in my life, I also have a great resolve to have my own business, such as workshops, clothing stores, mini markets and also oil palm. why do i want to own my own business? the answer is because I also do not want to depend on the contract of work of one company.
In this life there is nothing wrong if we have many dreams because one of the passion for success it is a dream that we really want to have it. we are free to dream a lot of dream origin does not disturb the peace of the soul.
I not only have dreams in the work and the effort that I want to reach, but I also have the heart to please my mother and father one of them I want to raise my parents' hajj and bring them to participate in my success.
Not only that, as a normal-footed man I also want to marry later, I want to have a good wife and I also want to be a good man so that it can become a family shakinah, mawahdah and Warohmah. my duty is I want to happy wife and my children after having family in marriage later.
Rabu, 27 September 2017
NIM : D1131171032
1. how is the college/university system in the U.S different from the collagr/university system in indonesia?
1. U.S. based college system always encouraged to discuss together to discuss various topics and ideas so that class activities become more exciting and not boring while The Education Implementation system used in Higher Education is "Credit System", which is meant here is a system of educational administration in which the student's study load, the lecturer's workload and the burden of organizing the educational institution are stated in the credit. while the special purpose of the application of S.K.S system in Higher Education is provide an opportunity for students who are able to learn and learn successfully to complete the study in the shortest possible time.
1. bagaimana sistem perguruan tinggi di A.S berbeda dengan sistem perguruan tinggi / perguruan tinggi di indonesia?
1. Sistem perguruan tinggi berbasis AS selalu terdorong untuk berdiskusi bersama untuk membahas berbagai topik dan gagasan sehingga kegiatan kelas menjadi lebih seru dan tidak membosankan sedangkan Sistem Implementasi Pendidikan yang digunakan di Perguruan Tinggi adalah "Sistem Kredit", yang dimaksud disini adalah sistem administrasi pendidikan dimana beban belajar siswa, beban kerja dosen dan beban pengorganisasian lembaga pendidikan dinyatakan dalam kredit. sedangkan tujuan khusus penerapan sistem S.K.S di Perguruan Tinggi ini memberi kesempatan bagi siswa yang mampu belajar dan belajar dengan sukses menyelesaikan studi dalam waktu sesingkat-singkatnya.
2. wich one do you prefer : to decide on your major early in your college year or latter?
2. I have a long wanted to enter in mechanical engineering because i want to create a new machine.
2. Apa yang Anda inginkan: memutuskan jurusan Anda di awal tahun kuliah atau yang terakhir?
2. Saya sudah lama ingin masuk teknik mesin karena saya ingin membuat mesin baru.
3. Why do you choose to study at mechanical enginering is study major?
3. Because I want to make a weapon of war for the country so that this country becomes a big and strong country and the weapon that I want to make is a nuclear weapon but the weapon I want to develop into a technology useful for human life.
3. Mengapa Anda memilih untuk belajar di bidang teknik mesin sebagai jurusan studi?
3. Karena saya ingin membuat senjata perang untuk negara sehingga negara ini menjadi negara yang besar dan kuat dan senjata yang ingin saya buat adalah senjata nuklir tapi senjata yang ingin saya kembangkan menjadi teknologi yang berguna bagi kehidupan manusia.
4. What do you think can be improved from the collage/university system in indonesia?
4. In my opinion the system of universities in Indonesia is good but that must be considered again the money for the recovery of small communities or less able to continue education at higher levels so that it can raise the degree and economy of their families will.
4. Menurut anda apa yang bisa diperbaiki dari sistem perguruan tinggi di indonesia?
4. Menurut saya sistem universitas di Indonesia itu bagus tapi itu harus dipertimbangkan lagi uangnya untuk pemulihan masyarakat kecil atau kurang mampu melanjutkan pendidikan di tingkat yang lebih tinggi sehingga bisa meningkatkan derajat dan ekonomi keluarga mereka.
NIM : D1131171032
1. U.S. based college system always encouraged to discuss together to discuss various topics and ideas so that class activities become more exciting and not boring while The Education Implementation system used in Higher Education is "Credit System", which is meant here is a system of educational administration in which the student's study load, the lecturer's workload and the burden of organizing the educational institution are stated in the credit. while the special purpose of the application of S.K.S system in Higher Education is provide an opportunity for students who are able to learn and learn successfully to complete the study in the shortest possible time.
1. bagaimana sistem perguruan tinggi di A.S berbeda dengan sistem perguruan tinggi / perguruan tinggi di indonesia?
1. Sistem perguruan tinggi berbasis AS selalu terdorong untuk berdiskusi bersama untuk membahas berbagai topik dan gagasan sehingga kegiatan kelas menjadi lebih seru dan tidak membosankan sedangkan Sistem Implementasi Pendidikan yang digunakan di Perguruan Tinggi adalah "Sistem Kredit", yang dimaksud disini adalah sistem administrasi pendidikan dimana beban belajar siswa, beban kerja dosen dan beban pengorganisasian lembaga pendidikan dinyatakan dalam kredit. sedangkan tujuan khusus penerapan sistem S.K.S di Perguruan Tinggi ini memberi kesempatan bagi siswa yang mampu belajar dan belajar dengan sukses menyelesaikan studi dalam waktu sesingkat-singkatnya.
2. wich one do you prefer : to decide on your major early in your college year or latter?
2. I have a long wanted to enter in mechanical engineering because i want to create a new machine.
2. Apa yang Anda inginkan: memutuskan jurusan Anda di awal tahun kuliah atau yang terakhir?
2. Saya sudah lama ingin masuk teknik mesin karena saya ingin membuat mesin baru.
3. Why do you choose to study at mechanical enginering is study major?
3. Because I want to make a weapon of war for the country so that this country becomes a big and strong country and the weapon that I want to make is a nuclear weapon but the weapon I want to develop into a technology useful for human life.
3. Mengapa Anda memilih untuk belajar di bidang teknik mesin sebagai jurusan studi?
3. Karena saya ingin membuat senjata perang untuk negara sehingga negara ini menjadi negara yang besar dan kuat dan senjata yang ingin saya buat adalah senjata nuklir tapi senjata yang ingin saya kembangkan menjadi teknologi yang berguna bagi kehidupan manusia.
4. What do you think can be improved from the collage/university system in indonesia?
4. In my opinion the system of universities in Indonesia is good but that must be considered again the money for the recovery of small communities or less able to continue education at higher levels so that it can raise the degree and economy of their families will.
4. Menurut anda apa yang bisa diperbaiki dari sistem perguruan tinggi di indonesia?
4. Menurut saya sistem universitas di Indonesia itu bagus tapi itu harus dipertimbangkan lagi uangnya untuk pemulihan masyarakat kecil atau kurang mampu melanjutkan pendidikan di tingkat yang lebih tinggi sehingga bisa meningkatkan derajat dan ekonomi keluarga mereka.
Minggu, 24 September 2017
1. Melewati marka
1. Masih belum lampu hijau, kedua remaja ini berani melintas di persimpangan jalan Sultan syahrir pontianak kota baru. Saya berada di belakang mereka dan berfoto, kedua wanita muda ini benar-benar tidak menyadari bahwa mereka telah melanggar peraturan lalu lintas, tidak hanya dua gadis remaja, sebenarnya masih banyak lagi dari remaja hingga orang dewasa yang sering melanggar peraturan lalu lintas, hal-hal itu karena kurangnya pengetahuan tentang perlunya mematuhi peraturan lalu lintas itu sendiri. Ada juga faktor lain yang menyebabkannya adalah penegasan atau sanksi bagi mereka yang melanggar peraturan lalu lintas sendiri.
2. Tidak seimbang
2. try to imagine if you bring a washing machine on your motorcycle, it is not natural not. in the picture above there is a motorcyclist in pontianak city who was doing the action. carrying his own washing machine by riding it on a motorcycle is economical. it's just that it's dangerous for your own safety. Because of what? because
if you bring a washing machine by riding it on a motorcycle of course
it will cause unbalance of your motor, it could cause you an accident
and of course it is dangerous to do. from now on let us
think of our salvation, do not be afraid to spend a little money if it
does not have a negative or dangerous impact for ourselves, our safety
and health is paramount.
2. Coba bayangkan jika Anda membawa mesin cuci pada sepeda motor Anda, tidak wajar tidak. Pada gambar diatas ada pengendara sepeda motor di kota pontianak yang sedang melakukan aksinya. membawa mesin cuci sendiri dengan mengendarainya dengan sepeda motor itu ekonomis. Hanya saja itu berbahaya demi keselamatanmu sendiri. Karena apa? Karena jika Anda membawa mesin cuci dengan mengendarainya dengan sepeda motor tentu saja akan menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan motor Anda, bisa menyebabkan Anda mengalami kecelakaan dan tentu saja hal itu berbahaya dilakukan. Mulai sekarang mari kita pikirkan tentang keselamatan kita, jangan takut mengeluarkan sedikit uang jika tidak memiliki dampak negatif atau berbahaya bagi diri kita sendiri, keselamatan dan kesehatan kita adalah yang terpenting.
3. Tidak beraturan
3. Irregularity
in traffic is one of the traffic violations because it can cause
congestion and also accidents, like the picture above, where the picture
about the irregularity of the surrounding community in the traffic,
there is the opposite lane and there is also a pass through, but at
every intersection the
city is already there red light but as if the red light there is not
considered by the people who traffic, not just irregular traffic, in the
picture above there is also one motorcycle rider who does not use a
helmet, but it is clear in the traffic rules every rider must
use a helmet, the driver should be thinking about what happens if he
falls from his vehicle when not using a helmet, surely it will
self-destruct it is not. now
from now on let us think about the safety of all of us, think of our
families who of course want to always receive the good news from us.
3. Ketidakberesan dalam lalu lintas adalah salah satu pelanggaran lalu lintas karena dapat menyebabkan kemacetan dan juga kecelakaan, seperti gambar di atas, dimana gambaran tentang ketidakteraturan masyarakat sekitar di trafik, ada jalur yang berlawanan dan ada juga yang lewat. Melalui, tapi di setiap persimpangan kota ini sudah ada lampu merah tapi seolah lampu merah tidak ada yang diperhatikan oleh orang-orang yang trafik, bukan sembarang lalu lintas tidak teratur, pada gambar di atas juga ada satu pengendara motor yang tidak menggunakan helm. , tapi sudah jelas dalam peraturan lalu lintas setiap pengendara harus menggunakan helm, pengemudi harus memikirkan apa yang terjadi jika jatuh dari kendaraannya saat tidak menggunakan helm, pastinya akan merusak dirinya sendiri bukan. Sekarang mulai sekarang mari kita pikirkan keamanan kita semua, pikirkan keluarga kita yang tentu ingin selalu mendapat kabar baik dari kita.
3. Ketidakberesan dalam lalu lintas adalah salah satu pelanggaran lalu lintas karena dapat menyebabkan kemacetan dan juga kecelakaan, seperti gambar di atas, dimana gambaran tentang ketidakteraturan masyarakat sekitar di trafik, ada jalur yang berlawanan dan ada juga yang lewat. Melalui, tapi di setiap persimpangan kota ini sudah ada lampu merah tapi seolah lampu merah tidak ada yang diperhatikan oleh orang-orang yang trafik, bukan sembarang lalu lintas tidak teratur, pada gambar di atas juga ada satu pengendara motor yang tidak menggunakan helm. , tapi sudah jelas dalam peraturan lalu lintas setiap pengendara harus menggunakan helm, pengemudi harus memikirkan apa yang terjadi jika jatuh dari kendaraannya saat tidak menggunakan helm, pastinya akan merusak dirinya sendiri bukan. Sekarang mulai sekarang mari kita pikirkan keamanan kita semua, pikirkan keluarga kita yang tentu ingin selalu mendapat kabar baik dari kita.
4. Nonton film G30S PKI
4. Thousands
of citizens in Pontianak and Kubu Raya area spill over to watch the
re-film of G30S PKI at Makodam XII Tanjungpura Kubu Raya. An
original movie that lasted more than 2 hours was shortened to 1 hour
has become a fascinating spectacle with an interesting presentation. this
film aired aims to foster the love of the community, especially the
young people, especially those in pontianak so that history in Indonesia
is not forgotten, besides that this film is also aims to show people
know how the betrayal done by PKI elements of the nation of Indonesia. and
after watching the film, of course, the expectations of the publishers
who hold these activities for the community to be more respect and
appreciate all the struggles undertaken by the nation of Indonesia. participate
in advancing the nation of Indonesia, maintaining the good name of
Indonesia, striving for the progress of the nation of Indonesia and
respect wholeheartedly to the heroes who fought for the nation of
4. Ribuan warga di wilayah Pontianak dan Kubu Raya tumpah menonton film ulang G30S PKI di Makodam XII Tanjungpura Kubu Raya. Film asli yang berlangsung lebih dari 2 jam ini disingkat menjadi 1 jam telah menjadi tontonan menarik dengan presentasi yang menarik. Film yang ditayangkan ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kecintaan masyarakat, terutama kaum muda, terutama yang ada di pontianak sehingga sejarah di Indonesia tidak terlupakan, disamping itu film ini juga bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kepada orang-orang bagaimana pengkhianatan yang dilakukan oleh unsur-unsur PKI dari bangsa Indonesia. dan setelah menonton film, tentu saja, ekspektasi para penerbit yang memegang kegiatan ini agar masyarakat lebih respek dan menghargai semua perjuangan yang dilakukan oleh bangsa Indonesia. berpartisipasi dalam memajukan bangsa Indonesia, mempertahankan nama baik Indonesia, berjuang untuk kemajuan bangsa Indonesia dan dengan penuh hormat menghormati para pahlawan yang memperjuangkan bangsa Indonesia.
4. Ribuan warga di wilayah Pontianak dan Kubu Raya tumpah menonton film ulang G30S PKI di Makodam XII Tanjungpura Kubu Raya. Film asli yang berlangsung lebih dari 2 jam ini disingkat menjadi 1 jam telah menjadi tontonan menarik dengan presentasi yang menarik. Film yang ditayangkan ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kecintaan masyarakat, terutama kaum muda, terutama yang ada di pontianak sehingga sejarah di Indonesia tidak terlupakan, disamping itu film ini juga bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kepada orang-orang bagaimana pengkhianatan yang dilakukan oleh unsur-unsur PKI dari bangsa Indonesia. dan setelah menonton film, tentu saja, ekspektasi para penerbit yang memegang kegiatan ini agar masyarakat lebih respek dan menghargai semua perjuangan yang dilakukan oleh bangsa Indonesia. berpartisipasi dalam memajukan bangsa Indonesia, mempertahankan nama baik Indonesia, berjuang untuk kemajuan bangsa Indonesia dan dengan penuh hormat menghormati para pahlawan yang memperjuangkan bangsa Indonesia.
Jumat, 15 September 2017
Halo.. my name is DARWIN, I was born in the village of semparong parit raden, dated November 2, 1998, i come from semudun, sui kunyit, district mempawah, west kalimantan province, indonesia.
When elementary school, i go to elementary school namber 11 sui kunyit, and after finished, i continue to jonior high school that is junior high school number 3 sui kunyit, after high school finished, i want high school number 2 mempawah.
Now i am going to college called tanjungpura university, here i am grateful to have succeeded in entering university i choose engeering faculty and take in mechanical engineering, i chose the department because my favorite of machine.
next i hope that i can finish my lectures well because i want to quickly make my family happy, i love them all and i want to be the bast in my familys eyes.
When elementary school, i go to elementary school namber 11 sui kunyit, and after finished, i continue to jonior high school that is junior high school number 3 sui kunyit, after high school finished, i want high school number 2 mempawah.
Now i am going to college called tanjungpura university, here i am grateful to have succeeded in entering university i choose engeering faculty and take in mechanical engineering, i chose the department because my favorite of machine.
next i hope that i can finish my lectures well because i want to quickly make my family happy, i love them all and i want to be the bast in my familys eyes.
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1) YOHANES FRENGKY (A) 2) DARWIN (B) SETTING: The park is written SITUATION: John accidentally met Darwin in the park sitting alone and...
Halo.. my name is DARWIN, I was born in the village of semparong parit raden, dated November 2, 1998, i come from semudun, sui kunyit, ...
1) YOHANES FRENGKY (A) 2) DARWIN (B) SETTING: The park is written SITUATION: John accidentally met Darwin in the park sitting alone and...